I am not a great blogger.. I tend to spend far more of my time in real life. I have been focussed on entertaining family and guests over the new year, working on the farm and trying to make life as normal as possible during covid.
We have been lucky here in Thailand. We had some hard lock downs early and benefitted from keeping the spread down and being able to move internally. Yeah we had some oops moment as people were allowed to sneak across the border bringing the infection rates higher, some people decided that it was safe to travel even though they hung out with people who were tested positive.
We have been hit hard on tourism which was a much bigger impact than expected. As I travel around I see more and more small businesses being shut down and put up for sale. A lot of pain and suffering across the board. We had a terrible return for the marian plum last year. Even though we got over 2000 kilos we didn’t cover half the operating costs as we harvested right in the middle of the lock down and the market dried up. But fortunately this year things are opened up and we are moving online.
So even though this is written already a month into the new year I will try to write with more regularity.